2015. április 29., szerda

Water wonderland

Wakeboarding is my totally favourite topic, and a season has already started, so I decided to share a little bit of my wakeboarding story. The sport is the combination of surfing, water skiing and snowboarding, and of course it’s an extreme sport. There are two types of wakeboarding, the first is when the rider is pulled by a motorboat, and the other one is when the rider 'rides' in a cable park (that's what I do).

I started wakeboarding in 2013 at the Lake Velence. I really enjoyed it, so I decided to continue this sport. Then, I visited an other cable park (in 2014) which is much closer than the previous one. The start was harder a little bit, because I had to use different technique, but I just had to practise. I went to practise every weekend, and I became better and better, I easily could take a corner and go along a whole round without falling.

At the end of July I took part in a one-week-long wakeboarding camp. It was very intensive. The programme was the next:
7.00 – getting up
7.30 – running (lovely morning runs around the lake)
8.00-10.00 – morning training (and then breakfast)
12.00-14.00 – ‘noon’ training
16.00-18.00 – ‘afternoon’ training
It’s 6 hours of wakeboarding per day! It seems maybe too much, but we really enjoyed every minute. I also tried wakeskating out, which is supposedly harder than wakeboarding. Well, it was easy for me (without doing tricks of course). 

I also saw one of my favourite riders. He was awesome!! I wish I could achieve the half of what he has achieved (he was the world champion twice).

I have big plans for the current season, but I won’t give them away now! :)

Here are some of my favourite videos: (the first is about my role model in wakeboarding, Carro Djupsö and the second is about an awesome cable park in hungary, it's maybe a little bit long, but I love it)

Carro Djupsjo at CWC from GNARproductions on Vimeo.
Venice Beach 2014 from András Meretei on Vimeo.
- Virág 

2015. április 23., csütörtök

See you again

See you again

On 30th november 2013 Paul Walker died in a tragical car accident.So for his memory Wiz Khali made a song featuring Charlie Puth and it was a big success which was watched by 13 million people.We can hear this song at the end of the Fast and Furious 7. On 6th April 2015 after the film premiere Wiz and Charlies made a videoclip for this song where the main character is Paul Walker.One of the main characters of Fast and Furious and Paul's friend Vin Diesel share this clip and he sang it in an interview for Paul memory.I think this is a very beautiful song and it's a good memory for Paul memory. And I can't wait for Fast and Furious 8. :)


It's an interesting. One of my best friend Krisztina Csubrikova who is a very very good singer sang a song. This sond write by : Joseph Felfoldi. It's a very beautiful song because this song is about Russian and Ukraine's situation. It called 'Hundred Year Hope' which was that big success that Ukraine wanted to sing this song on the Eurovision ,  even out of the competition. And i very proud of her.



2015. április 15., szerda


In my view bullying is a worldwide problem. Bullying is an agressive behavior, hurting 

someone's feelings or even hurting someone physically. The amount of bullied children is 

increasing and I think we should talk more about it. Lots of children and teenagers suffer 

from bullying and they can't enjoy their life as much as they want to. Most of them are 

maltreated because of their appearance, because they are not like others, because they 

don't do what everyone else does. Sometimes the cause is their family their name or even 

their illness. I personally think bullying is disgusting. I can't understand those people who 

hurt others and enjoy it. For me these people are pitiable and nefarious. Often they hurt 

others without knowing them. Some of them are doing it because they think it's cool and 

they will have more friends but I don't think this is the right way to make friends. I heard 

stories from my friend that a guy went to a new school and his new classmates beat him 

every day. This is terrible and it can change the person's whole life, nobody deserves it !!!


2015. április 8., szerda

Dying to know who I am? You'll find out. -A

My favorite series is Pretty Little Liars, which is based on a book written by Sara Shepard. The show has started in 2010. The 4th season ended in March, now the fans are waiting for the next.

The story is set in a fictional city in Pennsylvania, called Rosewood. The main characters are teenager girls, Hanna, Spencer, Aria, Emily and Alison. One night, Alison disappears and everybody believes that she died, but the police can’t find her body (later they think they found it, but that wasn't Ali’s body.) One year later (after Ali’s “funeral” the four girls start getting strange messages written by “A”. First, they think that Alison writes the messages (at that point, they begin to doubt that Ali is alive) Then, it turns out that Ali tries to hide, because “A” sends messages to her too. Ali thinks that if she seems dead, “A” will stop, but the situation is becoming worse and worse. “A” is above everyone and everything, he/she is everywhere, and he/she doesn't hesitate to kill people.

Later, the girls find out that “A” is not one person, but she/he manages the “A Team”. Everybody is suspicious, and sometimes they think that they know who “A” is. They can’t trust in their own relatives. But unfortunately we have to wait until the 7th season to know who “A” is for sure.

The Pretty Little Liars has a spin-off series too, called Ravenswood. It contains what happens to Caleb (Hanna’s boyfriend), when he isn't in Rosewood. The story is very complex and interesting. Well, it’s more frightening than Pretty Little Liars, but I really enjoyed it.

My absolutely favorite character is Hanna, whose role is played by Ashley Benson. She became my favorite actress, I've seen almost every film that she acts in.

Now in the story Ali is in jail, while she is innocence. Emily, Spencer, Hanna and Aria were kidnapped by “A”. For the additional details you should watch the whole show, it would be hard to write everything. :)

Some fans created theories about “A”. All of them are so believable and they showed the evidences too. The writer of the series sometimes posts information on Twitter about "A", but the solution isn’t evident.